The Internet is a powerful tool that provides everyone online a way to be connected to each other, gather a lot of information and enjoy con...

The Internet is a powerful tool that provides everyone online a way to be connected to each other, gather a lot of information and enjoy con...
Pasutri siap-siap mau ke kondangan. Istri : “Abi, aku pakai baju ini aja ya?” Suami: “Yang lain aja, Itu kelihatan gemuk!” (maksudnya bajuny...
Ever downloaded something from the web and the next thing that happens, you notice something goes wrong with the computer? When something li... Komisi Independen Pemilihan (KIP) Aceh menetapkan enam pasangan calon gubernur/wakil gubernur Aceh untuk Pilkada 2017. Keenam... Nenek tanpa indetitas ditemukan membusuk di perkebunan kelapa sawit PTPN I Langsa, Minggu (23/10) pagi. Mayat wanita diperkir... Masyarakat Kongsi, Kota Barat, Kecamatan Suka Karya, Sabang, Minggu (23/10) dini hari direcoki dengan hilangnya bocah berusia...
The genetic make-up of a patient's tumor could be used to personalize their treatment, and help to decide whether they would be...